Friday, November 2, 2007

An awesome resource

For several years now I've had this heavy weight on my shoulders regarding our last will/living trust. Everytime Rick and I would travel without the kids I would worry that if something were to happen to us who would the court decide would be their guardians? I didn't want them to decide, but I also hated the idea of spending a couple thousand dollars in attorney fees getting our living trust set up. However, there is an easy and much cheaper way to do it. It's called Just log onto their website, answer some specific questions regarding guardians, beneficiaries, etc and they create the appropriate documents. Once you receive them you have them notarized, witnessed and funded (if creating a living trust). We saved a ton of money this way! And I can sleep better at night knowing my kids will go to appropriate family members in case of our demise. I know this sounds very morbid, but I just had to share. Yikes, that just sounded like an infomercial too.


Meghan said...

I have also worried about this for a long time. Brandon's dad could fix this for us, but it never happens. Maybe this would do the trick. Thanks!

The Wadhwa Family said...

Oh, we're in the process of doing this right now with our attorney. Glad that you found a resource that works for you! I can't wait for it to be finished because I want to stop thinking about it!

Annie said...

We have been worried about this too. Especially everytime Steve and I go out of town. Our problem is who to appoint as guardians of our kids. It is a tough decision!