Umm yes, we did have a few tornadoes touch down in Castle Rock and the surrounding areas on Sunday. Yikes! And I thought they wouldn't happen here where it's hilly...what do I know. Thankfully we were totally clueless to what was going on until we saw the news that evening.
We decided to walk down to our friend's house and visit with them. Since it started thundering and raining (Kellen is ABSOLUTELY terrified of thunder...still) we headed inside and missed all the excitement. Although when it was time for us to head home Brandt (our friend) had to drive Rick up to our house to get our car because of all the rain and hail...big pieces of hail too.
Our next door neighbors were in the movie theaters when they stopped the movie to inform them of a tornado warning. All patrons had to leave the theater and go into the bathroom. They didn't want to be away from their two young girls so they left. While walking to their car they actually saw the funnel cloud...pretty scary. I didn't hear of any major damage, but yikes just knowing about it kind've gives me the creeps.
Nothing like living in Colorado where the weather always keeps you on your toes. As the saying goes, "If you don't like the weather now, wait 15 minutes." It's very true!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Our little one month old!
Curren is now one month old and boy did the time go by fast! He started off slow (weight-wise), but has sure made up for lost time. He's now 9 lbs. 14 oz. Way to go Curren!
The older boys absolutely love him. Aidan comes in every morning after breakfast to see how he's doing and to help pick out his outfit. He understands more that Curren can't really do anything right now, but I can just see how much he loves his baby brother by the way he acts around him. As for Kellen, he can't get enough of him either. He just loves to kiss him all the time and sing little made-up songs to him. It's so cute...although I have to watch him, he has a tendency to touch a little too much and sometimes too hard. Thankfully he hasn't taken any of his frustrations out on Curren.
So a little more about Curren:
He loves to be held! Don't all babies, or are mine the only ones? I have a hard time putting him down for naps...but I'm working on it. Thankfully as a mother of 3 I know it'll come. I have 2 awesome sleepers so we'll get there. We have discovered that he really, really needs his naps in the morning otherwise, the witching hour is fast and fierce in the evening.
He also loves to look around and listen to people talk to him. He's starting to turn when his brothers talk to him and my mom and I think we've gotten a smile out of him too. He definitely giggles and smiles a lot in his sleep.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Here are some pictures documenting what we've been up to the last few weeks. Most of least for me revolves around taking care of Curren.
Douglas County fair carnival:

So sweet!

At the last minute... the day before my step-dad left for Cali Rick decided he wanted to bless Curren. (We blessed all our babies at home.) Even though it was an impromptu event... my big sis made it, it was just as special and a great prayer by Rick. I just love my boys...all 4 of them.
My mom just left for the airport...sigh so now we are officially on our own. Yikes, it's been sooo nice to have the extra help for the last 4 weeks. (Not many people can say that, can they?) So I just want to thank my mother-in-law, my mom and step-dad for helping out SOOOO much over the last 4 weeks. They truly have been lifesavers.
Now I just got to figure out how to juggle homework, Kellen wanting to play outside in the afternoon and getting dinner on the table. All while Curren wants to be held and fed every 2 hours. Thankfully Rick has been a great help in the mornings and will continue to step up to the plate to get the kids dressed, fed and ready for school.
Can I just say I'm so glad Curren is my last little baby? I'm enjoying it immensely (most days) but I have to say I'm so looking forward to a full nights sleep and a more self-sufficent baby. I don't know how you mom's out there juggle more than 3 kiddos...KUDOS to you all!
Douglas County fair carnival:
Some pictures of our family:
So sweet!
At the last minute... the day before my step-dad left for Cali Rick decided he wanted to bless Curren. (We blessed all our babies at home.) Even though it was an impromptu event... my big sis made it, it was just as special and a great prayer by Rick. I just love my boys...all 4 of them.
My mom just left for the airport...sigh so now we are officially on our own. Yikes, it's been sooo nice to have the extra help for the last 4 weeks. (Not many people can say that, can they?) So I just want to thank my mother-in-law, my mom and step-dad for helping out SOOOO much over the last 4 weeks. They truly have been lifesavers.
Now I just got to figure out how to juggle homework, Kellen wanting to play outside in the afternoon and getting dinner on the table. All while Curren wants to be held and fed every 2 hours. Thankfully Rick has been a great help in the mornings and will continue to step up to the plate to get the kids dressed, fed and ready for school.
Can I just say I'm so glad Curren is my last little baby? I'm enjoying it immensely (most days) but I have to say I'm so looking forward to a full nights sleep and a more self-sufficent baby. I don't know how you mom's out there juggle more than 3 kiddos...KUDOS to you all!
1st Bath
Monday, August 11, 2008
13 years ago today...

Rick and I were married in the Oakland LDS Temple. Wow! 13 years already, although we've been together for the better part of 17 years. Amazing, huh?
I first remember meeting Rick in Ms. Gomez's geometry class. I thought he was pretty cute, but I was dating someone else at the time so we just ended up as casual friends, that is until my senior year in high school.
So many memories, so many weekend trips throughout Cali, so many trips to Cabo San Lucas and 3 kids later.....
I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. We know each other so well, we can practically predict what we're going to say to each other or what one is going to do next.
Now what to expect for the next 13 years? (Hopefully we can look forward to another 13 years.)Still just 3 kids (our shop is closed, folks), lots of camping trips ahead, definitely more Cabo trips to enjoy the resort life, but to also visit the Galbraith family. Hopefully a trip to Europe for Rick and I. We wanted to do that about 4 years ago, but I thankfully became pregnant with little Kellen.
Happy Anniversary honey, here's to many more years ahead! Love you!
Friday, August 8, 2008
One year ago today and 2 weeks old today...
Exactly one year ago today we arrived in Colorado and so began our Colorado journey. Wow! I can't believe one year has gone by nor can I believe how much has changed in our lives in one short year. Aidan started kindergarten, he's now a 1st grader. Our house was built and we moved in. Kellen started preschool and is about to start his 2nd year of preschool next week. And little Curren arrived in our life.

Speaking of which, Curren is now 2 weeks old today. I know that's not very old, but it sure has gone by fast. He's such a cute little guy and all of us really enjoy having him around...even if he's still not quite sure what's happened to him:)
Here are some pictures of our little 2 week old:
Friday, August 1, 2008
Evil word of the week - Bilirubin
Poor little Curren has been poked and proded 4 times in his short little one week life and his little body decided not to follow the trend with his bilirubin count so now the little guy is on phototherapy treatment. At first I freaked out about it thinking, how the heck am I'm going to keep this little guy under a bed of lights without clothes on? But thankfully the process is much easier than I thought.
Apria healthcare brought over what is called a therapy blanket. It's kind've like a hotpad attached to a little generator like thing. It produces a blue light and you just slide it under a onesie on his tummy or back. So I can essentially keep the light on him for most of the day. Whew! Much needed relief, although a little tricky for sleeping at night, but it's only for the weekend...I hope. Keep your fingers crossed that Curren's bilirubin count will have dropped dramatically by Monday's appt.
Now, a little bit of randomness from our first week having Curren home.

A deer dropped by our house for a little drink.

1st sponge bath.

What a great big brother...too bad Curren was too hungry to care.

What a sweet little boy. 1 week old!
Apria healthcare brought over what is called a therapy blanket. It's kind've like a hotpad attached to a little generator like thing. It produces a blue light and you just slide it under a onesie on his tummy or back. So I can essentially keep the light on him for most of the day. Whew! Much needed relief, although a little tricky for sleeping at night, but it's only for the weekend...I hope. Keep your fingers crossed that Curren's bilirubin count will have dropped dramatically by Monday's appt.
Now, a little bit of randomness from our first week having Curren home.
A deer dropped by our house for a little drink.
1st sponge bath.
What a great big brother...too bad Curren was too hungry to care.
What a sweet little boy. 1 week old!
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