Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What do you say?

What do you say to someone close to your age who lost a baby at 20 weeks gestation almost a year ago and hasn't gotten pregnant since? And they recently found out the reason why she probably can't get pregnant, but insurance doesn't cover the cost for treatments and who has thousands of dollars lying around? (If there is any silver lining to this she has two beautiful children.)

What do you say to someone close to your age who was recently diagnosed with an agressive form of breast cancer and has a 5 year old son and a toddler boy running around? She is currently going through chemo and said her son shaved her hair yesterday because it's finally coming out in clumps.

What do you say to someone your age who a year ago was diagnosed with breast cancer and because of the type of cancer she opted for a double masectomy and had to have a hysterectomy? Thankfully she has two beautiful healthy children and is cancer-free one year later.

What do you say to a selfish woman (myself) who's biggest complaint is that she's pregnant with her 3rd child (thankfully with no difficulties or sickness to speak of), but is complaining about it because she's seen the "light at the end of the tunnel" (her freedom) and is dreading going back to the sleepless nights and the baby stage?

Seeing these women twice a week really makes me stop to think about my blessings. I have two beautiful, healthy, active, vibrant boys, and a husband who's so supportive and loves me. I hope one of these days I can be as brave as these women.


Janet + Craig said...

Thanks for a little perspective to go with my dinner!

Count your blessings and serve those you can.

Andrew's cutting 4 teeth and waking 4 times a night. (Smile)

Brenda said...

We all have trials, but I'm really grateful to have my trials and not those. I think I'm going to stop complaining for at least an hour. Great post!