1st time in his high chair - this morning . We finally pulled it out.
Wow! 6 months have already passed. I still can't believe it. It seems like yesterday when I was waddling around outside watching my two older boys play and having my neighbors laugh at me each time I tried to get out of our very low beach chairs. (Hey, they were great for the beach, not so great for a big prego woman!)
Curren just loves, loves, loves his brothers. It so fun to watch him try to get their attention. And it's really fun watching Aidan and Kellen try anything to get Curren to laugh. Thankfully it doesn't take much!
Here's some stats.:
Wt. - 19lbs. 12 oz. - 70% (and can you believe it? 5 oz. bigger than Kellen at 6 mos.!)
Ht. -27 in. 55%
Head Cir. - 17 1/4 in. 40%
I never thought I'd have a bigger baby than Kellen, but it seems I now do. It's hard for me to see how big he is since I'm holding him and interacting with him all the time. I know that may not make sense, but it was the same for Kellen. Not until I looked at his pictures when he was a baby did I realize how big he looked to everyone else.
Some fun facts about Curren besides his love for his brothers -
-he can sit up by himself for a few seconds
- rolls from tummy to back on his right
- giggles and laughs all the time
- naps pretty well
- is really starting to love solid foods. Apples not a big hit though.
- loves to smile at everyone...I hope that lasts and we don't run into major stranger anxiety
We all just love him to pieces! And knowing this is my last baby I'm really trying to relish every moment and enjoy him while he's little.
Happy 6 months baby, we love you!!!
Curren is so cute! I remember thinking Ian had to stay my baby, because he was my last baby. It goes so fast! Enjoy!
Has it really been 6 months? That is crazy! He's so adorable!
Happy 6 months to you, Curren!!!!
What a cute little munch! Enjoy every minute...it goes by way too fast. My baby will be 20 months in 2 weeks. I am not ready to not have a baby in the house.
Wow, I can't believe it has been 6 months already either, beautiful boys.
So so cute! I really can't believe it's been six months, every year goes by faster than the one before...I'm convinced! Glad all your boys are having fun together :) That's the best!
Jyll, you are so funny. Love the beach chair visual. Curren is such a cutie. He smiles all of the time now!
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