(Love the facial expressions on these two pictures.)
Here are some highlights about our little guy:
*He loves to smile and he's starting to giggle too
*He loves to be facing out so he can see what's going on around him
*He's now able to sit in his Bumbo seat and loves to watch us while we're eating dinner
*He's not a big fan of his car seat. Lately he cries a lot. I think it's because he's facing the back and has no one to interact with. The older boys are in the 3rd row.
*He's getting pretty good about falling asleep on his own. I've got to get him fairly drowsy first by rocking him.
*He's taking naps and sleeping in his crib most of the time. Unless I'm off taking the kids somewhere.
*His neck muscles are pretty strong now. He does pretty well on his tummy and is pretty content for several minutes if I prop him on his tummy with the boppy under him.
*Kellen loves to call him "baby Curren".
Curren is such a sweetie and he really loves his big brothers. It's so cute to see all of them interact with each other. The older boys always love to play with him while he's on his play mat. They love to touch him and pick out his clothes.
Happy 3 month birthday baby Curren, we love you!