Well, here I am in our rental in Castle Rock, CO. It's funny, but even though we have actually lived here for only 3 days I already feel like this is home. That's not to say I don't miss, my family (those living away from us), my friends and my surroundings, but I definitely love it here. It's sooo beautiful. And we are so excited to check out everything Colorado has to offer. We are eagerly awaiting our house to be built and while Elva (Rick's mom) was here we were able to show her where we'll be living. At any rate, here are a few (very few pictures) of our travels east to our new home.

The first picture is taken at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, and in case you're already wondering, no we did not stay there. We had our kitties with us and a place like Bellagio wouldn't accept pets. Las Vegas, hmm, HOT as you know what, ugly as sin, and too many people. Although the hotels are pretty amazing and all the other tourist traps are pretty cool, I'm still not sure why people would spend their vacation time there. I guess wanting to win that million bucks? But being one who doesn't gamble or party I just found it hot and crowded. But, really I'm not that much a pessimist. I loved watching the the fountains at the Bellagio "dance" to Celine Dion's Titanic song and loved watching a thunderstorm occur in the mall where we ate, but I guess I was so tired from the long 11 hour drive from San Jose that I just couldn't appreciate all Las Vegas has to offer.
The second picture was taken somewhere in eastern UT. Amazing views, but civilization was few and far between. However, we did stay in the very small, but cute town of Green River. We arrived around dinner time so we didn't see much, although I don't think there was much to see in the town itself.
Soon I will post pictures of where we're living and its surroundings. Of course I forgot to take pictures of my dad's place. We stopped there for lunch and the kids had fun exploring their yard. They live on an acre in Battlement Mesa, CO, about an hour east of Grand Junction. They have this great pond and waterfall where Kellen just had to play "car wash". Poor kid is dying for his Hot Wheels car wash and Thomas trains and tracks.
Our drive through Colorado was absolutely breathtaking. If you haven't driven on I-70 from the border of UT to Denver, you must! One of these days when we head back to Vail or another resort I'll take a lot of pictures and add them to this blog, but it still won't do the views justice.
As for getting settled in, we're just about there, but we're waiting for the other 1/4 of our stuff which we hope will arrive next week. Thanks to another Californian moving to CO who hogged most of our moving truck some of our stuff was pushed to storage waiting for a ride out here. Once the rest of our stuff arrives we'll feel complete. Overall, as I said, we love it here and are very happy.