Friday, weather-wise was a doozy! Thursday night while watching the news the weatherman informed his viewers that we (meaning us lucky ones living south of Denver) were going to get about 1 ft. of snow. Usually I have to admit the weather people are pretty right-on, however, this time around I really didn't think it would be possible. Not because we haven't had massive winter storms in the spring, but I guess because I was just in denial and didn't want to deal with snow anymore this season.
Friday morning - snow! Ugh! But school was operating on a normal schedule. However, at 12pm I got a call from Aidan's school telling me they were canceling school effective immediately.
The roads were absolutely the worst I've ever experienced since being here. People left and right were stranded on the roads or in their driveways. And I didn't even have to drive that far to pick up Aidan. Maybe a mile if that! (They ended up shutting down a stretch of freeway because of the weather and I have never experienced that before...except in the mountains.)
After getting Aidan, I dropped him and Curren off at home and then ventured to pick up Kellen from preschool. (Which was a farther jaunt...yikes!) However, I noticed one of my neighbor's stuck right outside her cul-de-sac. She was on her way to pick up her kids so I offered to get them and bring them back home.
Well, to make a long story short and after an hour on the road, I rescued all my kids (and a couple of others) from school and my Toyota Sequoia handled like a champ! I was amazed at how many cars and suvs were stranded on the road! Of course about 45 minutes after getting home the skies began to clear. So had Douglas County not canceled school everything would have been just fine. Oh well! It made for an exciting day!