Friday, December 19, 2008

The most perfect afternoon...if even for an hour

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the hustle and bustle of having an infant and two other rambunctious boys I've been feeling grumpy, depressed, stressed, overwhelmed, trapped, etc. (You get the picture). So yesterday while hanging out in Curren's bedroom with my boys I told the two older ones to get some books and I'll read to them. Aidan decided to grab some of the books his reading tutor gave him over the holidays. So between the two of us we read to Kellen and Curren. It was so wonderful to see Aidan feel confident enough to read to his brothers. When I noticed Curren rubbing his eyes I put him down for a nap and then Aidan, Kellen and I moved to my bed and finished reading stories and cuddled under the blankets.

I've really been missing those days. Aidan, Kellen and I used to always cuddle in my bed and read stories. I can't wait until Curren gets older so he can join us.

It was such a wonderful afternoon and I actually felt human again. I know some of you may be thinking? What? you can't handle 3 kiddos? But when the youngest still doesn't sleep well at night and knowing 3 is your limit, yes I've been feeling overwhelmed and a little trapped. Yesterday afternoon with my babies made it all worthwhile.


Linda said...

Sweet Jyll...been there, done that. Keep your chin up, even though most days you can barely muster up the strength. Thinkin' of ya...just take it easy on yourself this Christmas season, just enjoy the little things.

Brooke said...

hi jyll!

i just found you through cori. and i wanted to say that 3 was really, really (really) hard for me. but i also thought two was hard, so indeed i am wimpy.

however, it does get easier!


Hart Family said...

That is so sweet. I love those moments with the kids when things just work out for some quality time together. That's what it's all about.